Exams for professional
Why should you take BEC Vantage?
BEC Vantage is recognized by thousands of educational organizations, employers, government agencies and immigration bodies throughout the world.Real-life applications
The language you learn in preparation for BEC Vantage will help you to:• work abroad;
• work with international organizations in your own country;
• study business-related subjects taught in English;
• travel;
• understand books, films and music in English.
What does BEC Vantage test?
BEC Vantage shows a student can use English for business purposes. It is the second level Cambridge ESOL business exam.It is at level B2 (upper intermediate) of the Common European Framework.
The exam has four papers:
• Reading (1 hour): understanding information like business publications and correspondence;
• Writing (45 minutes): writing two different pieces of writing, such as an email and a report;
• Listening (about 40 minutes): understanding a range of spoken materials, for example interviews, discussions and presentations;
• Speaking (14 minutes, taken with one or two other students): asking and answering questions about business-related topics.
Read more about Business Vantage (BEC Vantage) on the Cambridge website (in English).
Business Preliminary (BEC Preliminary)
BEC Preliminary is recognized by thousands of educational organizations, employers, government agencies and immigration bodies throughout the world.Real-life applications
The language you learn in preparation for BEC Preliminary will help you to:• work abroad;
• work with international organizations in your own country;
• study business-related subjects taught in English;
• travel;
• understand books, films and music in English.
What does BEC Preliminary test?
BEC Preliminary shows a student can use English for business purposes. It is the first level Cambridge ESOL business exam.It is at level B1 (intermediate) of the Common European Framework.
The exam has three papers:
• Reading and Writing (1 hour and 30 minutes): understanding information like graphs, messages and emails; writing a short note and an email or letter;
• Listening (about 40 minutes): understanding interviews and other spoken language used in everyday life;
• Speaking (12 minutes, taken with one or two other students): asking and answering simple questions about business-related topics and talking about their everyday lives.
Read more about Business Preliminary (BEC Preliminary) on the Cambridge website (in English).
Business Higher (BEC Higher)
Why should you take BEC Higher?
BEC Higher is recognized by thousands of educational organizations, employers, government agencies and immigration bodies throughout the world.Real-life applications
The language you learn in preparation for BEC Higher will help you to:• work in demanding settings abroad;
• work with international organizations in your own country;
• study business-related subjects taught in English;
• travel;
• communicate in business contexts all over the world.
What does BEC Higher test?
BEC Higher shows a student can use English for business purposes. It is the third level Cambridge ESOL business exam.It is at level C1 (advanced) of the Common European Framework.
The exam has four papers:
• Reading (1 hour): understanding information like business publications and correspondence;• Writing (1 hour 10 minutes): writing two different pieces of writing, such as a memo and a proposal;
• Listening (about 40 minutes): understanding a range of spoken materials, for example interviews, discussions and presentations;
• Speaking (16 minutes, taken with one or two other students): asking and answering questions about business-related topics.
Read more about Business Higher (BEC Higher) on the Cambridge website (in English).